There are some big
personalities around here.
Everyone thinks their team is the best team - but we like, really mean it - no, seriously.

Why? Well, let us introduce you to some of the Curve crew that work day in and day out to keep the distribution running smooth. 

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Braunson Gravelle
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Braunson Gravelle



Braunson has 5 years of experience in the marketing space, building brand strategies and project plans to guide the deployment of those strategies. From the high-level planning of how a company needs to be represented; down to the tactics that are used to build that brand perception in the market, online, and on social. This strategic approach to bringing brands to market is a differentiator. Coordinating the evolution of brand identity with our partners is critical for our success.

At Curve, Braunson’s focus is amplifying the messaging of our portfolio of brands in the Canadian marketplace by strategically planning the creation of sales material; from head office proposals to in-store sell sheets. As well as working on developing new brands to support our global sourcing team and managing our company marketing strategy .